Rebranding Agile: How agile marketing is changing the way marketers work
Last week I trekked to Malmo Sweden for the Oredev Conference. As the token marketer, I was asked to share how Agile marketing is being used in marketing today. Here is the video from my talk. Rebranding Agile: How Marketers are Changing the Way they Work for Real-time World from Øredev Conference on Vimeo. Here are my slides if the video is too long. Rebranding Agile: How Marketers are Changing the Way they Work for Real-time World from Frank Days I’d like to thank Scott Brinker for the referral along with Jakob Wolman for his help with the topic. And finally, I’d like to give a shout out to Mattias Georgson Petrén and Emily Holweck from Jayway making it all...
Join us for November’s Boston Agile Marketing Meetup with Mike Volpe from Hubspot
Join John Cass, Scott Brinker and me as the Boston Agile Marketing meetup moves to Hubspot in November.
Podcast: Sean Zinsmeister of Nitro Talks Agile Marketing
Sean Zinsmeister of Nitro shares how Agile marketing is essential to his fast-growing software business. With over 20 people on the marketing team, Sean also shares how they are scaling Agile with their business. agile marketing podcast
Podcast: Jason Lee and Emily Gould of Mobile App Developer Bloodhound
John Cass and I interview Jason Lee and Emily Gould of Bloodhound. They share how Agile provides the flexibility and responsiveness they need as emerging mobile app marketers. Listen here
Seven things to consider when launching your freemium product
It usually starts with someone’s bright idea: “We need to disrupt this market…fast. How about we just give away our product. It will go viral and kill .” In theory it sounds great. It’s such a simple way to kick your mortal enemy in their revenue stream by giving away your product for free.