Ten reasons why I’m a #mktgnerd

Dear @lattice_engines,

I know I haven’t been blogging and tweeting much lately (too busy in startup land) but I can’t believe you left me off your list of #mktgnerds. While I lack any empirical evidence, I hope that you will consider the following evidence to justify my inclusion.

1. I do almost everything in a spreadsheet. Planning, metrics, messaging….
2. I like visiting Google Analytics on my mobile as a way to kill time at my kid’s sporting events
3. I studied chemistry in college yet somehow ended up in marketing
4. I created a hip hop alter ego (aka Tangyslice) so people would think I am cooler than the middle aged soccer dad that I really am.
5. My favorite marketing book is “Tested Advertising Methods” by the direct response legend Caples.
6. I was using Agile to manage my marketing team way before it was cool…. Ok it will never be cool but still…
Brass rat

7. I am a proud owner of a brass rat (a friend once described as THE “nerd’s super bowl ring”) (see image)
8. My kids come to me to help them with their math home work every night
9. I once used a terminal emulator to log into a web server to prove my IT ops manager wrong about something
10. I started my marketing career promoting medical robotic systems to PhD’s.

Ok. I know I am no Scott Brinker (he is my marketing blogger hero) or Mike Volpe (yes, Polar Bears can be nerds too) but could you at least let me know how many standard deviations from the mean I am?

Thank you and see you at @marketingprof B2B.

Stay tangy….

Author: Frank Days

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