Day 28: The End is Near

As I was reading the latest MIT Tech Review (the one with Leah Culver of Pownce on the cover), it dawned on me that most of my efforts on this adventure will likely be wasted.  The cold hard fact is that most of these site have no business models (I know, revenue can be a distraction).  I imagine that the party is going to end pretty soon and their investors are will have one heck of a hangover.

Here we go:

Heavy: Another video site. This one is not exactly for my demographic profile.

Propeller and Blinklist: More bookmarking sites.

Googlereader: An easy-to-use news reader from everyone’s favorite search engine.

Slide: A slideshow and photo sharing site.

Odeo and Sevenload: Audio and video sharing sites.

Total: 91 down, 9 to go.  Wish me luck and show me the money.

Author: Frank Days

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